Saturday, January 29, 2011

Things I've learned So Far in my Internship part 3:

That I can taste the difference between extra virgin olive oil and sunflower oil.
To make puree of potatoes, or cooking vegetables that come from the ground, to put them into a pot first and then cover with cold water, not add to boiling water.
When given a list of things to do, I choose potatoes first.....Get them out of the way, right?
That I still don't know the directions of the knobs to light the stove (higher/lower the flame). ansiosa.
That you can give yourself raw blisters from a lighter. accendino.
Green beans do in fact come from Kenya.
Dotto (Doc), Gongolo (Happy), Eolo (Sneezy), Cucciolo (Dopey), Brontolo (Grumpy), Mammolo (Bashful) e Pisolo (Sleepy) are the names of the Seven Dwarfs. And Biancaneve. and Principe Azzurro.
How to clean and steam mussels and clams.
I can tell the difference between 1, 2, and 3 year old culatello's by texture, colour, and smell. Well. I was told.
Vai a casa means vaffanculo.
The middle finger is universal.
Alto Cinque does not translate to high five.
Cotecchino is sticky sticky sticky.
That eating fennel is good for preventing cramps. but only if you eat it before running.
That just because you understand one or two words in a sentence, doesn't mean you understand the sentence. "Do you want a coffee" is not the same as "have you already had a coffee"...Si does not mean you will get one.
Team work is better.
Barbra Streisand.
How to drag the knife across to cut a cherry tomato instead of cutting down as to not lose all the juices and seeds.
How to burn jerusalem artichoke chips. (but after being told to leave them alone.)
How to piss off Martin. 
Dai Dai Dai means Go Go Go. Come On. 
Non sono completamente stupida. 

That foccaccia pizza (props to Mauro) is the best thing ever and that 7 fat slices in a day isn't enough.

Next Week.....Dolce.

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